Anna is a cheerful girl of 8 years who has cerebral palsy. She stays with her single mother and three siblings in Nansana a peri-urban area in Wakiso district. Anna is one of the over 100 children being supported by Angel’s Centre for Children with Special Needs under the community-based rehabilitation program to enable her get home-based therapy and nutrition support. Anna’s mother tends to her market stall which has been greatly affected by the economic crisis with inflation in fuel prices. Her capital has greatly reduced hence affecting her income thereby limiting her ability to take care of her family’s needs. Anna being a special needs child requires more financial support more than her siblings. For Anna’s mother, a Christmas gift will bring a smile to her face.
Pretty is a jolly girl who was diagnosed with Down syndrome. She loves swimming, dancing and playing with her fellow children. Pretty is one of the participants in the Angel’s Center early learning program and dreams of being a dancer. Her family of a single mother with 6 siblings still struggles to take care of her and her six siblings.
About 2.5 million children live with disabilities in Uganda – many of them remain marginalized and excluded from society, subject to various forms of discrimination due to negative attitudes, superstition, neglect, harmful social norms and practices, and a lack of awareness of their own rights. As a direct result, their basic needs and rights (access to health, education, support and rehabilitation) remain often unfulfilled. Additionally, access to food has become another challenge as a result of the devastating economic crisis.
With this fundraising we aim at delivering emergency food packages for 100 households to ensure access to food and support the physical and cognitive development of Angel’s Center children! It is important for the children to be able to access food, be well nourished and strengthen their immune system. Furthermore, their caregivers need the same. We intend this to be a Christmas gift of hope to the children and their families.
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Angel’s Center for Children with Special Needs is a Ugandan NGO working for the inclusion of children with disabilities in society and fighting the deadly practice of “mercy killings”. Angel’s Center critical service is strengthening the capacity of families and caretakers to raise children with disabilities and ultimately put an end to the practice of ‘mercy killings’ – a hidden reality in Uganda. This refers to parents or other caretakers who, out of a lack of information and support networks, decide to kill children with disabilities or deliberately letting them die by starving them or denying them medical attention, because of the belief that they are better off dead than having to endure a painful and incurable disability.
Apart from focusing on nutrition and emergency food support because it is key to the health of the children, Angel’s Center also provides early learning to children with disabilities to equip them with basic literacy as well as therapy and counselling sessions in occupational therapy and behavioural therapy to parents and family members (community-based-rehabilitation). To break the silence on disability at community level, Angel’s Center organizes awareness-raising campaigns in rural areas and carries out different advocacy activities. By now, more than 100 families have been supported by the work of Rose Nambooze (Founder, Director and CEO) and her team in Kampala and surroundings.
We are aiming to raise 5.000€ in total – with your Christmas of hope donation you are:
- Giving hope and bringing a smile.
- Contributing to the provision of food packages to the children of Angel’s Center and their families. Each food package includes: 5kg rice, 5kg maize flour, 5kg sugar, 5 kg beans, 2 bars of soap, additional hygiene items and medication as per each child’s need (anti-seizure etc.)
- Contributing to the provision of basic hygiene kits (soap, pampers, sanitary towels etc.) to ensure proper hygiene.